It is thought that the name 'Enstone' originates from 'Enna's stone', which means a 'boundary stone of a man called Enna'. Another possibility is that the words 'ent' and 'stan' literally mean giant stone. About 500 yards south of Neat Enstone, hidden amongst the trees, there are three standing stones which are the remains of a chambered long barrow. The boundary stone or giant stone after which the village is named both appear to refer to the Hoarstone, the tallest of the three standing stones.
East of St. Kenelm's church is a mediaeval tithe barn that was built for Winchcombe Abbey, a Benedictine monastery in Gloucestershire that owned the manor of Enstone. The barn has a cruck roof and a date stone fom 1382 but it is thought that it is actually late 15th century, when it may have been rebuilt retaining the date stone from the earlier building. Just to the north-east of Church enstone is Enstone airfield which is used for microlights, light aircraft and motor gliders. The airfield was formerly the Second World War RAF base known as RAF Enstone. Enstone is the home of the Lous F1 team (formerly the Renault F1 team), where the chassis are designed and built. Neat Enstone is on the A44 Oxford to Chipping Norton road about 4 miles east of Chipping Norton, whereas nearby Church Enstone is on the B4030 Bicester road. |